その他/1.1変更点 の変更点

 *Code / Gameplay / GUI [#xf5594cd]
 -Fixed Slowdown Bug
 -fixed hud votestring drawing
 -added bots/pure/password info to server browser, filter on passworded servers
 -fix server crashing when sentry is dropped in lava/slime
 -added console command \showspecs
 -.5 second delay added to firing after respawn
 -agent team markers drawn properly
 -removed false-positive sniper headshots (over the shoulder hits)
 -added sniper "glancing" body shots that do half damage
 -sniper rifle knockback reduced by 50%
 -mapname printed in server log on map start
 -forced soldier models to load if engineer is enabled (sentry needed rocket)
 -gameindex with novote 1 not put into server maplist (can't be voted for)
 -names in matchlog put in quotes to cope with spaces in names
 -added \admin timelimit +x to set timelimit to now + x minutes
 -fixed endgame scoreboard snapshot
 -increased spectator slot drawing on ingame scoreboard to 20.
 -implimented sentry 'turn around' to engineer menu in all huds
 -Improved event handling for mouse control & key binds
 -limited com_maxfps to 30-130 to get rid of some engine flaws but keep bunnyhopping smooth
 -fixed overall lead shot damage to be 20 for shotgun and 50 for supershotgun consistently
 -Sniperrifle now requires more accurate aiming
 -autosentry turns a bit slower now and deals slightly less damage and knockback
 -toned down crosshair whirl speed when stunned
 -raised green armour damage absorbtion rate from 30% to 40%
 -C&H scores increasing after timelimit up resolved
 *General [#e479710d]
 -Blank autoexec.cfg added to /etf to prevent server connecting trouble (will not overwrite an existing one in upgrade)
 -Default server config values tweaked / added
 *Visual [#qe5dce86]
 -Napalm Launcher skin tweak (remove NL)
 -Pulse grenade now red on weapons menu (not old blue)
 -Sentry skin now easier to see
 -Sniper rifle scope given more polies (less square)
 -Rocket launcher skin more "dirty" and less shiny
 -Super shotgun skin less shiny
 *Maps [#k937863c]
 -Orbital Capture and Hold / CTF map added
 **Forts [#h676b9b0]
 -clipped area at bottom spiral in water so you don't get stuck
 -Sticky corner by FR clipped
 -fast caps fixed
 **Well [#vec18c6c]
 -fr button heightened
 -fast caps added
 **JapanC [#vb1224ed]
 -FPS all fixed
 -fast caps fixed
 **Mach [#hc676e67]
 -getting stuck in water doesn't happen anymore
 -fast caps fixed
 **Rock [#ld3286af]
 -can't grab packs through floor anymore
 **Stag [#p50bda7a]
 -floor texture lightened for better seeing
 -lower resupply packs can only be grabbed by enemy agents, not the whole enemy team
 -fixed fast caps