*Code / Gameplay / GUI [#r86684ab]
-Fixed in-game server browser to work with ET 2.60
-Fixed kick and clientkick rcon & vote commands
-vote kicks cope better with odd names
-Fixed invisible players due to lack of spawn points
-Fixed cluster explosion sound under water
-Added server redirect when full, like ET 2.60. Set sv_fullmsg to ETF://server.name:port, client side can enable/disable through cvar "allowRedirect"
-Updated omnibot, see http://www.omni-bot.com/
*Maps [#d74b58a4]
-Added etf_spazball
-Added etf_assaultforts : an assault map
-Added etf_nowjump : an obstacle course map
-Made etf_dissect official
-Added more respawn points to several maps
-Updated mapinfos to provide more information